Meet Mugumya Solomon
Meet Mugumya Solomon. Solomon is 5 years old, has rhythm like no one we’ve ever seen, and loves eating posho (a thick porridge) and meat. Solomon is currently in kindergarten and is the youngest of three children. His mother is a cook and is raising him on her own because his father left her for another woman at an early age. Sadly, Solomon’s father doesn’t support his family, which is not uncommon in Uganda. Unfortunately, Solomon’s mother is barely able to put food on the table let alone send Solomon to school. Knowing how vital a quality education is, Sister Bernadette began searching for a sponsor for Solomon and after showing a picture of his big eyes and bright smile, Veronica offered to sponsor him right away. With the help of his sponsor, Solomon is currently attending a primary day school where his favorite subject is English and he dreams of one day becoming a doctor. When asked if he could have one thing in the world what would it be, Solomon responded “a ball”; such a simple request for such a big personality.